Media Tie-Ins
Young Adult
Books on Writing
Featured Stories
Video reading of my Bram-Stoker-nominated short story “A Touch of Madness.”
Julia Morgan’s reading of “The Hungry Man”
Julia Morgan’s reading of “Water’s Edge”
Julia Morgan’s reading of “Foundling”

“Do No Harm”: Listen on Tales to Terrify
All Stories
"Broken Glass and Gasoline"
Catalyst Press, 2003
Campfire Macabre 2.
Cemetery Gates Media, 2023
"No One Sings in the City of the Dead"
Literally Dead.
Alienhead Press, 2022
"The Girl Who Bled in the Tree"
Tales of the Lost 3.
Plaid Dragon Publishing, 2022
"In the Monster’s Mouth"
Apex Magazine.
"Cathedrals of Despair"
Mystery, Murder, Madness, Mythos.
"Raiders of the Poisoned Plains"
Wendigo Tales.
Pinnacle, 2020
"Dreams of Shattered Teeth"
Voices From the Dark.
Dark Regions, 2021
"The Garden of Love is Green"
Tales to Terrify.
"God Spelled Backward"
Shadow Atlas.
"Feeding Time."
99 Tiny Terrors.
"The Exchange"
Under Twin Suns.
PS Publishing, 2021
"Old Friends"
Black Labyrinth Anthology: Possession.
Dark Regions Press, 2021
"The Crying Man"
Tales from Arkham Asylum.
"The Girl Who Bled in the Tree"
Tales of the Lost 3.
Plaid Dragon Publishing, 2020
"The Sharp Edge of Midnight"
Campfire Macabre.
Cemetery Gates Media, 2021
"Negative Space"
It Crept From the 80’s.
"In the End"
One of Us: A Tribute to Frank Michaels Errington.
Bloodshot Books, 2020
Tales of the Lost 2.
Weird Tales 2.
"Ashes of Our Fathers"
Borderlands 7.
Borderlands Press, 2020
"The White Road"
The Horror Zine’s Book of Ghost Stories.
"A Touch of Madness"
The Pulp Horror Book of Phobias.
Lycan Valley Press, 2019
Reprinted in Year’s Best Hardcore Horror 5, Red Room Press, 2020
Reprinted in Year’s Best Hardcore Horror 5, Red Room Press, 2020
"Skin Man"
Black Library, 2020
"Pretty Like Butterflies"
Shallow Waters, Vol 1.
Crystal Lake Publishing, 2019
"Going Home"
Tales of the Lost: We All Lose Something.
"Some Kind of Monster"
Apex Book Company, 2020
"Just Imagine"
A Secret Guide to Fighting Elder Gods.
Zeolite Publishing, 2018
Dark and Distant Voices.
Nightscape Press, 2018
Severed Press, 2018
"While the Sun Yet Shines"
Subliminal Reality.
Lycan Valley Press, 2018
"How to Be a Horror Writer"
Vastarien 2.
Grimscribe Press, 2018
"The Deep Delight of Blood"
Fantastic Tales of Terror.
Crystal Lake Press, 2018
"Voices Like Barbed Wire"
Tales from the Lake V.
Crystal Lake Publishing, 2018
"In the End There is a Drain"
Tails of Terror,.
"The Empty Ones"
Occult Detective Monthly.
"The Gray Room"
Ashes and Entroy.
Nightshade Press,, 2018
"Every Beast of the Earth"
The Beauty of Death 2 – Death by Water.
Independent Legions Publishing, 2017
"Are You Crazy?"
Red Room Magazine.
Chopping Block Party.
Necro Publications, 2017
"Til Death"
Don’t Fear – The Apocalypse.
13Thirty Books, 2017
Reprinted in Year’s Best Hardcore Horror Vol. 3. Comet Press, 2018
Reprinted in Year’s Best Hardcore Horror Vol. 3. Comet Press, 2018
"Sharp as Night"
My Bloody Valentine..
Great Jones Street, 2017
"The Way to a Man’s Heart"
C.H.U.D. Lives!.
Crystal Lake Publishing, 2017
"The Grabber-Man"
Occult Detective Quarterly 2.
"Cold to the Touch"
Nasty – Fetish Fights Back.
"The Monster Within Idea"
The Unleashed: Monsters vs Zombies.
Stitched Smile Publications, 2017
"A Kiss of Thorns"
DarkFuse, 2017
"The Law of the Harvest"
Grimdark Magazine 9.
"The Poison Dreams the Snake"
ever Fear – the Tarot.
13Thirty Books, 2016
"Tailypo, Tailypo"
Devolution Z,.
"The Backward Man"
Heroes of Red Hook.
Golden Goblin, 2016
"Fathomless Tides"
The Beauty of Death.
Independent Legions Publishing, 2016
"Plague Doctor"
Through a Mythos Darkly.
"Crop Over"
Dread Shadows in Paradise.
"Sorrow Road"
Return of the Old Ones.
"The Nature of Water"
Gla’aki’s Children.
"A Face in the Crowd"
44 Lies from 22 Authors.
Post Mortem Press, 2016
Reprinted in Year’s Best Hardcore Horror Vol 2, 2017
Reprinted in Year’s Best Hardcore Horror Vol 2, 2017
"The Good Neighbor"
44 Lies from 22 Authors.
Post Mortem Press, 2016
"Special Delivery"
Borderlands 6.
Borderlands Press, 2016
"The Winter Box"
DarkFuse, 2016
"The Whisper-Whisper Men"
Scary Out There.
X-Files: The Truth is Out There.
IDW, 2016
"Her Corner of the Sky"
V-Wars: Night Terrors.
IDW, 2015
Lamplight Magazine.
"Among Shadows"
Dreadful Geographic 1.
"Water’s Edge"
Innsmouth Nightmares.
PS Publishing, 2015
"Blood and Bone"
Flesh Like Smoke.
April Moon Books, 2015
"Cleaning Up"
Aghast 1.
Dead Harvest.
Scarlet Galleon, 2015
Not Our Kind.
Alliteration Ink, 2015
"In Vino Veritas"
With Michael W. West Streets of Shadow.
Alliteration Ink, 2015
"For She is Fearfully and Wonderfully Made"
Shrieks and Shivers from the Horror Zine.
PMP , 2015
"The Last Mile"
Black Static 38.
"Deep Like the River"
Dark Regions, 2014
"The Talking Dead"
Dark Discoveries .
"This is Not a Horror Story"
Equilibrium Overturned.
Grey Matter Press, 2014
"None So Empty"
Black Static 41.
"Lover, Come Back to Me"
Tales from the Lake.
Crystal Lake Publishing, 2014
"The Last Fear"
Black Static 38.
"In the Silence of the Night"
Perpetual Motion Machine Publishing, 2013
"Day 12"
Black Static 36.
Surreal Grotesque.
"Sun Hungry"
Blood Type.
Nightscape Press, 2013
"Exit Strategy"
Piercing the Darkness.
Necro Publications,, 2013
"The Goggen"
What Fates Impose.
Alliteration Ink, 2013
"The Men Upstairs"
DarkFuse, 2012
"Zombie Dreams"
Shivers 7.
Cemetery Dance Publications, 2013
"Removal Day"
Horror Hors d’oeuvres.
"What Once Was Flesh"
The Men Upstairs.
Darkfuse, 2011
Reprinted in Vampires Don’t Sparkle, 2012
Reprinted in Vampires Don’t Sparkle, 2012
"The Great Ocean of Truth"
Fear the Abyss.
Post Mortem Press, 2012
"Growing Up"
Dark Eclipse 10.
"Thou Art God"
Dark Faith 2,.
Apex Publications, 2012
"Her Corner of the Sky"
V-Wars: Night Terrors.
IDW, 2015
"Barista Woman Versus the Caffiends"
Zombie Rednecks From Outer Space.
"Hide and Seek"
Appalachian Undead.
"Surface Tension"
Queen Anne’s Resurrection.
Dec. 2011
Inhuman. No. 4
Fall 2011
"Zombie Interrupted"
Human for a Day.
DAW, 2011
"The Cut of the Cloth"
Storyportals, 2011
"Do No Harm"
DAW, 2011
"Old Times’ Sake"
Love and Rockets.
DAW , 2010
"Sleepless Eyes"
Horror Library. Vol. 4
Cutting Block Press, 2010
"Blame It on the Moonlight"
Strip Mauled.
DAW Books, 2009
"Bone Whispers"
Zombie Raccoons and Killer Bunnies.
DAW Books, 2009
"Disarmed and Dangerous"
Spells of the City.
DAW Books, 2009
Reprinted in The Recent Dead, Prime 2010.
Reprinted in The Recent Dead, Prime 2010.
"Conversations Kill"
Cemetery Dance . no. 60
"Outside the Lines"
Shroud. no. 4
"Harvest Time"
Bits of the Dead.
Coscom Entertainment, 2008
"Best Friends Forever"
Imaginary Friends.
DAW Books, 2008
Shroud. no.1
"No More Shadows"
Noctem Aeternus.
"Darker Than Winter"
Thrillers II.
Cemetery Dance Publications, 2007
"The Faces That You Meet"
Thrillers II.
Cemetery Dance Publications, 2007
Reprinted in Deadlines 3, 2010.
Reprinted in Deadlines 3, 2010.
"Skull Cathedral"
Squid Salad Press, 2008
"Some Dark Hope"
Horror World, Dec. 2007
"Country Roads"
Legends of the Mountain State: Ghostly Tales from the State of West Virginia.
"The Right Thing"
Amazon Short, 2007
"Across Silent Seas"
Doctor Who: Destination Prague.
Big Finish, 2007
Dark Discoveries.
"All in the Execution"
Places to Go, People to Kill.
DAW Books, 2006
"Brothers in Arms"
Army of the Fantastic.
DAW Books, 2006
"The Blade of the Flame"
Tales of the Last War.
Wizards of the Coast
"Special Delivery"
Borderlands 6.
Borderlands Press
"The Tongue is the Sweetest Meat"
Cemetery Dance.
"A Strange and Savage Garden"
Brimstone Turnpike.
Cemetery Dance Publications, 2005
"Long Way Home"
Thrillers II.
Cemetery Dance Publications, 2005
In the Shadow of Evil.
DAW Books, 2005
"Waters Dark and Deep"
Masques V,.
Gauntlet Press, 2005
"Collect and Save"
The Transformers Legends.
I-Books, 2005
"Portrait of a Horror Writer"
Cemetery Dance. no. 48
"The September People"
Faerie Tales.
DAW Books, 2004
"The September People"
Faerie Tales.
DAW Books, 2004
"When God Opens a Door"
Cemetery Dance. no. 46
"Met a Pilgrim Shadow"
Cemetery Dance. no. 43
"Home Security"
Cemetery Dance. no. 52
"Til Voices Drown Us"
Apprentice Fantastic.
DAW Books, 2002
"Exits and Entrances"
Vengeance Fantastic.
DAW Books, 2002
"Picking Up Courtney"
All Too Surreal.
Prime Books, 2002
Reprinted in Bones, TOR Books, 2003. Received an honorable mention in The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Sixteenth Annual Collection, 2003.
Reprinted in Bones, TOR Books, 2003. Received an honorable mention in The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Sixteenth Annual Collection, 2003.
"I Scream, You Scream"
Reprinted in All Too Surreal, Prime Books, 2002.
Reprinted in All Too Surreal, Prime Books, 2002.
"Joyless Forms"
All Too Surreal.
Prime Books, 2002
"The Big Moment"
Nightscapes. Issue 14
"Horror Show"
Villains Victorious!.
DAW Books, 2001
Half Human.
Scholastic Books, 2001
"As Good As a Rest"
Warrior Fantastic.
DAW Books, 2000
"Weapon of Flesh and Bone"
In collaboration with R. Davis The Further Adventures of Xena, Warrior Princess.
Ace Books, 2000
Single White Vampire Seeks Same.
DAW Books, 2000
"The Stars Look Down"
Guardian Angels.
Cumberland House Publishing, 2000
Heat. Vol. 0
Foggy Windows Books, 2000
"The Other Woman"
Dark Planet.
"Ghost in the Graveyard"
All Hallows.
June 2000
"Loose Upon the Earth a Daemon"
Civil War Fantastic.
DAW Books, 2000
"Buried Treasure"
Bruce Coville’s UFOs.
Avon Books, May 2000
"On the Shelf and Dreaming"
Dark Planet.
Mar. 2000
The Three-Lobed Burning Eye. Issue 4
Jan. 2000
"One Morning at the Stone"
DAW Books, 1999
"At the Movies"
Skin and Bones.
April 1999
"Meeting Dad"
Prom Night.
DAW Books, 1999
"The Castle and Jack"
Twice Upon a Time.
DAW Books, 1999
"The Man of Her Dreams"
A Dangerous Magic.
DAW Books, 1999
"Anubis Has Left the Building"
More Monsters From Memphis.
Zapizdat Productions, 1998
"Every Home Should Have One"
Alien Pets.
DAW Books, 1998
"Along for the Ride"
Horrors: 365 Scary Stories.
Barnes and Noble Books, 1998
Horrors: 365 Scary Stories.
Horrors: 365 Scary Stories.
Horrors: 365 Scary Stories.
"Night Eyes"
Horrors: 365 Scary Stories.
"Rude Awakenings"
Horrors: 365 Scary Stories.
"The Secret of Bees"
Horrors: 365 Scary Stories.
Horrors: 365 Scary Stories.
"A Wild Hair"
Horrors: 365 Scary Stories.
"Keeping It Together"
Between the Darkness and the Fire.
Wildside Press, 1998
Reprinted in Skin and Bones, April 1999
Reprinted in Skin and Bones, April 1999
"The Hungry Man"
Read by Julia Morgan Nightscapes. Issue 8
"All Fall Down"
Night Terrors. Issue 6
Masters of Terror.
April 1998
Bad Dreams: the Online Journal of Horror Fiction. Issue 3
Winter 1998
Nightscapes. Issue 5
Dec. 1997
"Just a Simple Country Doctor"
Mythos Online. Issue 6
Nov./Dec. 1997
Nightscapes. Issue 3
Sept. 1997
"Hunt’s End"
Monsters From Memphis,.
Zapizdat Publications, 1997
Nightscapes. Issue 2
Aug. 1997
"The Last Warrior"
Elf Magic.
DAW Books, 1997
Dark Tyrants.
White Wolf Publishing, June 1997
"Blackwater Dreams"
Bruce Coville’s Book of Nightmares 2.
Scholastic Books, 1997
Blood Muse.
Donald Fine, Inc., 1996
Reprinted in Skin and Bones, April 1999
Reprinted in Skin and Bones, April 1999
100 Wicked Little Witch Stories.
Barnes and Noble Books, 1995
"Buyer Beware"
100 Wicked Little Witch Stories.
Barnes and Noble Books, 1995
"Supernaturally Incorrect"
100 Vicious Little Vampire Stories.
Barnes and Noble Books, 1995
"Hair of the. . ."
Thin Ice XVII.
"Mr. Punch"
Young Blood.
Zebra Books,, March 1994
Reprinted in Skin and Bones, April 1999
Reprinted in Skin and Bones, April 1999
"Mary Alice"
Aberrations 21.
"On the Skids in Another Dimension"
Summer 1993
Reprinted in Skin and Bones, April 1999
Reprinted in Skin and Bones, April 1999
"Grandpa Kelly and the Dragon"
Winter 1992
"Alacrity’s Spectatorium"
Spring 1992
Winter/Spring 1990
Reprinted in Mythic Circle, Fall 1993
Reprinted in Mythic Circle, Fall 1993
"Shadow Play"